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Тег: debian

Debian — операционная система, состоящая из свободного ПО с открытым исходным кодом. В настоящее время Debian GNU/Linux — один из самых популярных и важных дистрибутивов GNU/Linux.




Kali Linux 2019.4 is a Debian-based distribution that ships with a collection of security and forensics tools. The new release features Btrfs support during setup, a new theme, and a "Kali Undercover" mode which makes the distribution's desktop resemble the Windows desktop. "With the change to the environment, we thought we would take a side step and do something fun. Thanks to Robert, who leads our penetration testing team, for suggesting a Kali theme that looks like Windows to the casual view, we have created the Kali Undercover theme. Say you are working in a public place, hacking away, and you might not want the distinctive Kali dragon for everyone to see and wonder what it is you are doing. So, we made a little script that will change your Kali theme to look like a default Windows installation. That way, you can work a bit more incognito. After you are done and in a more private place, run the script again and you switch back to your Kali theme."



Размер: 206.49kb (0.20M)





The project has released a new version, Tails 4.0, which is the first version to be based on Debian 10 "Buster". "We are especially proud to present you Tails 4.0, the first version of Tails based on Debian 10 (Buster). It brings new versions of most of the software included in Tails and some important usability and performance improvements. Tails 4.0 introduces more changes than any other version since years. This release also fixes many security issues. You should upgrade as soon as possible. Major changes to included software: Replace KeePassX with KeePassXC, which is more actively developed. Update OnionShare from 0.9.2 to 1.3.2, which includes a lot of usability improvements. Update Tor Browser to 9.0: A gray border, called letter boxing, is now displayed around the content of web pages when you resize the window of Tor Browser. Letter boxing prevents websites from identifying your browser based on the size of its window. Letter boxing replaces the yellow warning that was displayed until now when maximizing Tor Browser. The onion icon has been removed from the top bar."



Размер: 84.96kb (0.08M)





The project's latest version, MX Linux 19, is based on Debian 10.1 "Buster" and features the Xfce 4.14 desktop along with the SysV init software. "We are pleased to offer MX-19 for your use. As usual, this ISO includes the latest updates from Debian 10.1 (Buster), antiX and MX repos. Xfce 4.14, GIMP 2.10.12, MESA 18.3.6, updated firmware, Latest debian 4.19 kernel, patched sudo info. Browser: Firefox 69; Video Player: VLC 3.0.8; Music Manager/Player: Clementine 1.3.1; E-mail client: Thunderbird 60.9.0; Office suite: LibreOffice 6.1.5 (plus security fixes); and more in the MX repositories. New and updated mx-apps: mx-installer (based on gazelle-installer) fixes pertaining to automount and partitioning. MX Date & Time, to make clock setting chores easier. formatusb, for formatting USB storage devices. mx-packageinstaller now displays version number for Flatpak applications. mx-packageinstaller now features libreoffice upgrades from Debian Backports (currently 6.3.X). mx-alerts package for sending emergency messages to users. mx-updater no longer requires a password to check for updates (still required for installation of updates). New wallpaper artwork (mx19-artwork package). New app: bash-config to help with theming your bash prompt and managing aliases."



Размер: 28.19kb (0.03M)





The project's latest version, MX Linux 19, is based on Debian 10.1 "Buster" and features the Xfce 4.14 desktop along with the SysV init software. "We are pleased to offer MX-19 for your use. As usual, this ISO includes the latest updates from Debian 10.1 (Buster), antiX and MX repos. Xfce 4.14, GIMP 2.10.12, MESA 18.3.6, updated firmware, Latest debian 4.19 kernel, patched sudo info. Browser: Firefox 69; Video Player: VLC 3.0.8; Music Manager/Player: Clementine 1.3.1; E-mail client: Thunderbird 60.9.0; Office suite: LibreOffice 6.1.5 (plus security fixes); and more in the MX repositories. New and updated mx-apps: mx-installer (based on gazelle-installer) fixes pertaining to automount and partitioning. MX Date & Time, to make clock setting chores easier. formatusb, for formatting USB storage devices. mx-packageinstaller now displays version number for Flatpak applications. mx-packageinstaller now features libreoffice upgrades from Debian Backports (currently 6.3.X). mx-alerts package for sending emergency messages to users. mx-updater no longer requires a password to check for updates (still required for installation of updates). New wallpaper artwork (mx19-artwork package). New app: bash-config to help with theming your bash prompt and managing aliases."



Размер: 28.48kb (0.03M)





"SparkyLinux 5.9 "Nibiru" is out. This is a quarterly update of live/install media of the stable line, which is based on Debian 10 "Buster". The base system has been upgraded from Debian stable repos as of October 4, 2019. It works on the Linux kernel 4.19.67 LTS. As usually, new ISO/IMG images provide small bug fixes and improvements as well. Sparky project page and Sparky forums got new skins; no big changes about the colors but they are much mobile devices friendly now. Nemomen finished translating Sparky tools to Hungarian (thanks a lot), but many of them still waiting for adding to packages."



Размер: 26.32kb (0.03M)


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