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Тег: debian

Debian — операционная система, состоящая из свободного ПО с открытым исходным кодом. В настоящее время Debian GNU/Linux — один из самых популярных и важных дистрибутивов GNU/Linux.




The Linux Mint team has announced the availability of a new beta version of Linux Mint Debian Edition, a platform which provides Mint-specific packages and technology while using the Debian distribution as its foundation. "This is the beta release for LMDE 4 'Debbie'. LMDE is a Linux Mint project which stands for 'Linux Mint Debian Edition'. Its goal is to ensure Linux Mint would be able to continue to deliver the same user experience, and how much work would be involved, if Ubuntu was ever to disappear. LMDE is also one of our development targets, to guarantee the software we develop is compatible outside of Ubuntu. LMDE aims to be as similar as possible to Linux Mint, but without using Ubuntu. The package base is provided by Debian instead. Known issues: the root account is locked by default; to add support for shared folders, drag and drop, proper acceleration and display resolution in VirtualBox, click on the 'Devices' menu of VirtualBox and choose 'Insert Guest Additions CD Image'; if you're facing issues with your microphone or your sound output, please install 'pavucontrol'...."



Размер: 37.89kb (0.04M)





Kali Linux is a Debian-based distribution with a collection of security and forensics tools. The project has started off the 2020 year with a new release and a series of significant changes. The new version, 2020.1, of Kali Linux merges the various desktop editions into single download options and does away with running as the root user by default. "Throughout the history of Kali (and its predecessors BackTrack, WHAX, and Whoppix), the default credentials have been root/toor. This is no more. We are no longer using the superuser account, root, as default in Kali 2020.1. The default user account is now a standard, unprivileged, user. For more of the reasons behind this switch, please see our previous blog post. As you can imagine, this is a very large change, with years of history behind it. As a result, if you notice any issues with this, please do let us know on the bug tracker. So with this, should you use Kali as your daily driver, as the primary OS? It's up to you. There wasn't anything really stopping you before, we just don't encourage it. We still don't. But its a helping hand for the people who are familiar with Kali enough."



Размер: 158.12kb (0.15M)





Netrunner is a Debian-based desktop distribution with the latest version, Netrunner 20.01, based on Debian 10.3 "Buster". "Netrunner 20.01 ships with all the latest security updates provided by Debian and a polished Indigo Global Theme, making use of Kvantum theming engine. Firefox-ESR and Thunderbird were updated to the latest stable LTS (long term supported) versions, which get regular security updates provided by Debian security. Theming-wise, the switch to the Breeze Window decoration with its darker color increases the contrast and makes it easier to distinguish between active and inactive windows. The red colored cursor (RED-Theme) allows to quickly locate the cursor on the screen and has a retro vibe to it. As always we provide a uniquely drafted wallpaper, which fits the milestone of 10 years of Netrunner and the 20th version release."



Размер: 24.10kb (0.02M)





The latest release delivers a number of interesting changes, including some modifications to the PCmanFM file manager: "We previously made some significant changes to the PCmanFM file manager included as part of the Raspberry Pi Desktop; we added a cutdown mode which excludes a lot of the less commonly used functionalities, and we set this as the default mode. One of the things we removed for this mode is the Places view, an optional view for the left-hand pane of the window which provides direct access to a few specific locations in the file system. We felt that the directory browser was more useful, so we chose to show that instead. But one useful feature of Places is that it displays external devices, such as USB drives, and these are somewhat awkward to find in the file manager otherwise."



Размер: 22.46kb (0.02M)





Kali Linux 2019.4 is a Debian-based distribution that ships with a collection of security and forensics tools. The new release features Btrfs support during setup, a new theme, and a "Kali Undercover" mode which makes the distribution's desktop resemble the Windows desktop. "With the change to the environment, we thought we would take a side step and do something fun. Thanks to Robert, who leads our penetration testing team, for suggesting a Kali theme that looks like Windows to the casual view, we have created the Kali Undercover theme. Say you are working in a public place, hacking away, and you might not want the distinctive Kali dragon for everyone to see and wonder what it is you are doing. So, we made a little script that will change your Kali theme to look like a default Windows installation. That way, you can work a bit more incognito. After you are done and in a more private place, run the script again and you switch back to your Kali theme."



Размер: 89.63kb (0.09M)


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