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Linux — семейство Unix-подобных операционных систем на базе ядра Linux, включающих тот или иной набор утилит и программ проекта GNU, и, возможно, другие компоненты.




Proxmox is a commercial company which offers specialized products based on Debian. The company has launched Proxmox Mail Gateway version 6.4 which is based on Debian 10.9 "Buster". The release announcement covers the highlights of the new version: "Full integration of the ACME protocol via the GUI: create valid and trusted certificates for domains with Let's Encrypt. General certificate management via GUI: upload custom certificates from the web interface. SpamAssassin 3.4.5 with support for external SpamAssassin update channels - Proxmox Mail Gateway will now fetch verified updates from external rule channels and the KAM ruleset channel is available. Improved management of the Spam Quarantine: display the quarantined emails of all users at once in the admin view. TLS-logging improvements: The Proxmox Message Tracking Center now shows when an outbound connection is established over TLS. Enhancements to the integration of Proxmox Backup Server: getting notification emails if you have configured a Proxmox Backup Server Remote is now possible."



Размер: 38.32kb (0.04M)





AlmaLinux OS is a binary-compatible rebuild of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source codes. The distribution intends to be a drop-in replacement for CentOS Linux with long-term support. The project's first stable release is AlmaLinux OS 8.3. "We are very happy to announce that today we are releasing the first AlmaLinux OS stable version. That's right, you can go right ahead and download the stable version and use it everywhere you need a stable, reliable, Linux distribution. For some time now we also have the conversion script in our GitHub repository, so you can also convert your system to AlmaLinux OS stable using it if you don't feel like reinstalling from scratch. AlmaLinux OS, the forever-free open source enterprise-grade Linux is ready. So, after about four months since the decision to steer CentOS in a different path, you now have a 1:1 binary compatible drop-in replacement, with a very long support timeframe. You can use it for any general purpose computing need, in bare-metal installations, in virtual machines, in containers, on cloud providers."



Размер: 110.12kb (0.11M)





Netrunner 21.01, an updated version of the project's desktop Linux distribution based on Debian's "stable" branch, but featuring the latest LTS (long-term support) kernel, has been released: "The Netrunner team is happy to announce the release of Netrunner 21.01 'XOXO'. This version is based on the current Debian 10.7 ('Buster') and it comes with better support for modern hardware thanks to Linux kernel 5.9.15 from Debian backports. Netrunner 21.01 ships with all the latest security updates provided by Debian and a new beautiful wallpaper showing the new code name of this release. With the activated Debian backports repository, we provide updated firmware for WiFi and ethernet chips as well as improved printer drivers to allow more modern hardware support. Firefox-ESR and Thunderbird were updated to the latest stable LTS versions, which get regular security updates provided by Debian security. Netrunner maintains its gorgeous look and feel from the previous version based upon Breeze Window decoration and red color cursor."



Размер: 14.09kb (0.01M)





"Tails 4.6 is out. This release fixes many security vulnerabilities. You should upgrade as soon as possible. Changes and updates: update Tor Browser to 9.0.10; add support for Universal 2nd Factor USB security keys; update the list of applications in the Favorites applications submenu; to make it easier for new users to discover some of the core features of Tails, we added Configure persistent volume, Tails documentation, WhisperBack Error Reporting and Tails Installer, and removed Terminal; change the input method for Japanese from Anthy to Mozc. Known issues: none specific to this release. Tails 4.7 is scheduled for June 2."



Размер: 88.63kb (0.09M)





SparkyLinux 2020.05
The SparkyLinux team has published a new snapshot of the distribution's semi-rolling branch. The new snapshot, SparkyLinux 2020.05, is based on Debian Testing and features updates to both the kernel and the system installer. "The May snapshot of Sparky 2020.05 of the (semi-)rolling line is out. It is based on Debian Testing 'Bullseye'. Changes: upgrade from Debian testing repos as of May 5, 2020; Linux kernel 5.6.7 (5.6.10 & 5.7-rc4 in Sparky Unstable repos); Calamares 3.2.23; added additional support of Sparky installation on UEFI machines with Secure Boot: the live system should be launched with Secure Boot off as before, but after installation the Secure Boot can be turned on, both installers: Calamares and Sparky's Advanced provides support of such installation; disabled package list updating, during installing Sparky via Calamares, even you install Sparky with active Internet connection, the Debian or Sparky server can be temporary off, so it could stop the installation."



Размер: 31.31kb (0.03M)


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